Friday, February 22, 2013

Pilate's Series Workout

Pilate's 100 (pulse in a crunch potion for a count of 100)
Roll up (lay on your back legs out and sit up.)
Straight leg hand hold (slow bicycle crunches holding at the top for 2 seconds)
Double leg stretch (hand above head circle around with hands touching under legs)
Scissors (with hand hold under knee lower straight leg lift, holding a C form)
Criss cross (bicycle w ball between your elbow and knee)
Don't stop go straight to the below exercises for your butt/thighs.
Lay on your side and do each exercise on both sides.
Side leg (lift toe and point foot up then on the way down push heal down )
Circles fwd/bwd
Inner thigh lift (push laying leg up and hold for 2 seconds)
Hot potato (touch toe behind and in front of your body in an arching motion.)

Do 2 or 3 sets of these. Awesome workout!
Let's Get Healthy,
Coach Tia