Friday, January 11, 2013

Pregnancy and Workouts

I just got an e-mail from a friend who has found out she is pregnant and had a few questions about working out and being pregnant. She wrote:
"...I just found out I am 7 weeks pregnant. Do you think I can still do sit ups while pregnant? Is that healthy? Or maybe an aerobic class?"

This is the advice I gave her:
" First check with your doctor to see if you have any risk factors and if you should do any abdominal exercises or workouts.
However, generally speaking:
Pregnant women should not do prone exercises during any part of their pregnancy for the safety of the mother and the baby. (stay off their back - don't lay down and workout)
With some pregnant women sit-ups and crunches are fine in the first trimester but by the second trimester, pregnant women should avoid prone exercises (lying on your back). The baby is growing in the uterus and its weight can compress the blood vessels leading to the mothers heart, lowering her blood pressure, inhibit the blood supply to the baby and potentially depriving the baby of oxygen.
Those problems can begin in early pregnancy however it is more likely to occur during second trimester.
As far as aerobic goes if a pregnant women has been engaged in regular aerobic exercise, including running, for at least 6 mths prior to pregnancy then she usually can continue threw out her entire pregnancy. BUT always talk with your doctor before continuing or starting any exercise."

If you have any healthy lifestyle related questions feel free to e-mail me and I will do my best to answer them.
Let's Get Healthy,
Coach TIA

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