Monday, April 8, 2013

Reason's Why I Don't Do Diet #3

We need to learn how to make life choices.
• We have Rules for life such as driving, taxes, bills, work, and relationships. We need recognize we also have rules for our body and the health of it to run smoothly.
• With a pour diet we pretty much know what the consequences.
What are some things? Bloating, low energy, low sex drive, many health issues, and irritability.
o This is where God’s Grace comes in. We can always improve our circumstances. He is a God of second, third, millionth chances!

If you are starting a diet thinking, "I will only have to eat this way until I reach my goal” you have already failed before you began.

Think this is my lifestyle, can I do this? How can I make this work?
You will be successful if you have a game plan!


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