Saturday, April 6, 2013

REAL Weight Loss Tip #1 of 101

 Get friends, family, your spouse to live a healthy lifestyle with you! 

It is hard to lose weight when your going at it all alone. If you have a partner to
make the journey with you your success is much greater. 
1. Make a commitment to help each other and be supportive of each other. 
2. Work out together.
3. Go for walks several times a week.
4. If you go out to eat do a little research before going and pre-pick what you will eat. 
5.  Share a meal if you go out. 
6. Compliment each other.
7. Remember if you succeed it will help them succeed. 
8. Set the example and don't lie about what you eat, do or don't do. 
9. Meal plan together
10. Cook together
11. Clean together

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