Friday, June 10, 2011

RESULTS Client "S"

RESULTS Client "S"
age 37

Personal Training with me 3 times a week and following food program.
Brought about her results.

1st numbers are for start day
2nd number is 2 months
3rd number is 4 months

................................start..........2 mths.........4 mths
Weight:................ 173.6 ...... 157.8 ..........147.6 loss
BodyFat: ............ 28.3 ......... 23.21 ......... 20.33 loss
FatMass: ............. 49.11....... 36.63 ......... 30.01 loss
LeanBodyMas .. 123.89.......121.17........ 117.59 loss
Abdominal ........ 33 .............26 ................22 loss
Arm: ....................21 ........... 22 .................18 gain (positive)
Leg: .....................40 ............. 26 ................ 23 loss
SUP: ....................28 ............. 20 .................17 loss
Waist: ..................35 ............ 31.75 ........... 29.5 loss
Hips: ...................41.75...........38 .................36.25 loss
Thigh:................. 24 ...............22................. 20.25 loss
Calf:..................... 16 ..............15.5.............. 15 loss
Chest:..................43 ................39................. 37.5 loss
Arm: ..................13.5 ............12.5 ............. 10.75 loss
Middle abdomen: 37 ........ 34.25 ........... 34 loss

................................start..........2 mths.........4 mths
Flex: - ............2 ................. 0 ..................... 2.25 gain
Jump: ............95 ............... 94 ................... 94.25
Push up: ......9 knees ..... 25 knees.......... 25 toes gain!
Sit up: ............20 ............. 40 .................... 50 gain
1 Mile .......... 11:17 ..........9:55 .................. 9.46 gain
Pull-ups:............ 0 ............ 1/4 gain ............ 1/2 gain

I only have pics for start date and at 2 months only.
Start ........................................2 months

Start ........................................2 months

Start ........................................2 months

Let's Get Healthy,
Coach TIA


  1. Great job Tia! Very inspring, I love the pictures they show so many changes. I bet the finish product is amazing!

  2. THANKS T!
    She looks so different and made huge changes in her life!
