Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We might need to be reminded of.

The obvious things today that we might need to be reminded of.
1 God wants me to take care of myself and He wants to help me do that.
We need to draw on His strength if we wish to have continued success.
2 We have Rules for life such as driving, taxes, bills, work, and relationships. We need recognize we also have rules for our body and the health of it.
3 We have freedom with all our choices.
4 However, we can not choose our consequences.
5 We can always improve, as long as we seek and try to.
6 We must change our thinking to change our lifestyle.

Start today!


  1. Tia, I recently started reading your blog and am enjoying it very much! I particularly liked this post, all points are very true! I like #6, I think we all have to be intentional if we are going to make any changes. In order to make changes, we need to focus on #1. I've never been athletic, but started an exercise routine after my son was born in order to lose the extra weight I had gained. I wanted to lose the weight as fast as possible, so I changed my diet and started jogging. I'm up to 2 miles a day and would not have been able to accomplish that goal without #1 in this list! Within six months I've lost 49 of the 50 pounds I gained while pregnant and I give the praise to Jesus!

  2. Thanks Stacey!
    I am very proud of you! Keep it up girl.
    Thanks for your comments! I appreciate the feed back and loved reading about your success. =-)
